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Main function, state space model multiple imputation with unanimous changepoints


  initial_imputation_option = "StructTS",
  estimate_convergence_cri = 0.01,
  lik_convergence_cri = 0.01,
  stepsize_for_newpart = 1/3,
  max_iteration = 100,
  cpt_learning_param = list(cpt_method = "mean", burnin = 1/10, mergeband = 20,
    convergence_cri = 15),
  cpt_initial_guess_option = "ignore",
  dlm_option = "smooth",
  m = 5,
  seed = 1,
  printFlag = T



contains all information, and only selected variables in formula_var enters the state space model


select variables from data_ss into the statespace model


a list of parameters to set up state-space model

  • m0: initial values for states

  • C0: initial values for variance of states

  • inits: initial values for the estimating of all NA terms, via maximizing likelihood

  • AR1_coeffi: variables, whose coefficient is a AR(1) process; if none, then is NULL

  • rw_coeffi: variables, whose coefficient is a random walk process;if none, then is NULL

  • w_cp_param: variables, whose coefficients are periodic fixed (may shift to other levels over time, but fixed within periods), it contains a list of parameters for each variable whose coefficient level shifts to different values. Details for variable: variable : the name of the variable (Required); segments : how many segments of constant coefficient (Required); changepoints :the corresponding changepoints for the separated segments, it can either be specified by the user or automatically inferred, fixed_cpts only exist when changepoints exists

  • v_cp_param: information about periodic observational variance V (may decrease or increase over time, but fixed within periods), it contains a list of parameters for each variable whose coefficient level shifts to different values. Details for variable: segments : how many segments of constant coefficient (Required); changepoints : the corresponding changepoints for the separated segments, it can either be specified by the user or automatically inferred, fixed_cpts only exist when changepoints exists


for the first iteration of imputing missing y, choose StructTS or others, and can't be "ignore"


critic value for convergence check, default 0.01


critic value for convergence check, default 0.01


stepsize specified, default 1/3


max iteration, default 100


a list of variable for change point learning

  • cpt_method: either "mean" or "meanvar"

  • burnin: a positive number in (0,1)

  • mergeband: a positive integer

  • AR1_coeffi: variables, whose coefficient is a AR(1) process; if none, then is NULL

  • rw_coeffi: variables, whose coefficient is a random walk process;if none, then is NULL

  • w_cp_param: variables, whose coefficients are periodic fixed (may shift to other levels over time, but fixed within periods)

  • v_cp_param: information about periodic observational variance V (may decrease or increase over time, but fixed within periods)


option for initially learning cpts in preparation period


choose between smooth or filter


number of draws for multiple imputation


random seed


whether we need to print the Flag plots.


A list of result